FAQ | Sminko
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Frequently asked Questions

Why do you have some products that don't contain fragrance and essential oils?

There are many people who are very sensitive to both fragrance oils and essential oils.  In todays world, there are essential oils in just about all skincare and it is actually hard to find a brand that does not contain them.  Not everybody loves them and not everybody can tolerate them.  Whilst essential oils are brilliant and have their place in skincare, we at sminko choose not to use them unless it is in our fabulous perfumes!  We believe skincare should contain minimal ingredients so we make our skincare without essential oils but they are just as effective and a lot more gentle.  If you want fragrance please buy one of our perfumes

What are vegan friendly products?

If you are concerned about animal welfare, the planet or are intolerant to products that contain animal derived ingredients then vegan friendly skincare is for you.  We are not certified vegan that is why we call it 'vegan friendly'.  Our skincare does not contain any animal derived ingredients and everything in our range is plant based - from a plant.  We do not test our products on animals.  We make our products in small batches with fresh ingredients.

What are the most important parts of a skincare routine?

We think having a simple routine will make it easier to stick to.  There is one step that we do not want you to ever forget and that is sunscreen.  After your daily cleanse with a gentle cleanser and moisturiser please apply an spf sunscreen for the face liberally to your face.  Wearing a sunscreen everyday reduces the appearance of aging - wrinkles, dark spots and most importantly skin cancer.  

What are the best skincare products?

We believe the best skincare products are the products that are made with only plant based ingredients.  Look for products that only contain a small amount of ingredients rather than a list of things you can't understand let alone read. 

Do you sell wholesale?


If you want to buy products at a wholesale price, please contact us.  This is a possibility if you intend to buy at least 10 of one product.  We can give them to you at a lower cost.  

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